Social Responsibility of Educators

Author Huda Alsaeed (2022) defined social responsibility as a multifaceted concept that incorporates many different areas of responsibility, such as personal, those involving family and friends, and one to the community. In his article, he argues that social responsibility is essentially important for both individuals and society as one. Public educators are often encouraged to promote social responsibility in their learners.  Alsaeed (2022) argues that schools have a crucial role in assisting students to develop the values and skills needed to be socially responsible citizens.  There are many ways in which educational facilities and teachers can advance society’s social responsibility.  For instance, educators can grant students opportunities to learn about these social concerns or encourage them to be active in community service projects. School district administrations can also assist by fostering a learning environment that respects all student diversities and encourages faculty and staff to model social responsibilities (Alsaeed, 2022).  These school employees can have a significant impact on the future roles of these students in society.   

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) explains that preparing students to be cognizant citizens means that teachers must explain their rights and responsibilities in addition to other social or even political issues that they may encounter in their local community or other places they go (Gangone, 2019).  Teachers must strive to assist them as they mature and improve their critical thinking skills.  Although some say this is not an educator’s duty, the AACTE states that teachers can easily promote social responsibility simply but creating a classroom where everyone is respected and the teacher models important values such as equality and inclusion (Gangone, 2019).  

For a Biblical perspective on social responsibility, educators can refer to the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37 (Holy Bible: New Living Translation, 2008).  In this story, Jesus teaches that we should show compassion to our neighbors, or community, even if they are different or relate to a different social group. As Christians and as educators, it should be our mission to follow the examples of Christ as we teach future generations.


Alsaeed, H. (2022). The Role of Public Education Schools in Developing Social Responsibility in the Light of Contemporary Global Trends. Scientific Research.

Gangone, L. (2019). Educators and social responsibility: What this means to informed citizenry. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Holy Bible: New Living Translation. (2008). Tyndale House.